Monday, November 11, 2013

Spicy Spiral

A lot has happened since I last posted.

In 2013, I did my best to live up to the Jypsy Quilter name.  I have changed residences twice AND changed jobs twice - both times within the same week.  (Both times I doubted my sanity.)  However with this last move, I bought my new residence - a somewhat dated condo from the 70's with some quirky features that I love.  I won't be moving again any time soon.  And I really like my new job as a financial consultant with AXA Financial.  The work is both interesting and challenging.

Despite the Jypsy Quilter name, which I took on after leaving Nevada and becoming somewhat of a nomad, I find it very difficult to focus on quilting when I'm not feeling settled.  For the last three years, I have very little show to in the way of quilting - although my beloved tubs of fabric have moved with me each time.

Now, having been in my new place a little over three months, it is time to quilt!

My mom and I signed up for a class called Spicy Spiral Table Runner at one of our local quilt stores, The Picket Fence.  It was the first quilting class I have ever taken, and the first time I've used a wedge ruler.  On both counts, I'm hooked!  I had a blast!

After you pick 8 colors, your first step is to cut them into strips (the strips are different widths) and sew them together.  We did this part at home before the class.

Max helped

Next, cutting using the wedge ruler.  While not difficult once you get going, it was immensely helpful to have a quilt teacher at this juncture. The wedges get increasingly shorter.

Eventually, you end up with a pile of wedges like this:

Then we started sewing.  I'm guessing it took us about an hour and a half to sew this:

The points still need to be trimmed to make a smooth edge before adding the batting and backing.  The teacher recommended that instead of binding the edges, we treat it like a pillow and turn it.  As I am not eager to do a curved bias binding, I am going to try the teacher's suggestion.

Hoping to eke out some time soon to finish it.


  1. Hi, Michelle! Long time no see! And while I understand your hesitancy about curved bias binding, I will say that I was forced to do some this year and found it to be much easier than I anticipated! So don't be afraid to try it...

  2. Wow, that is a really cool effect! However you finish it, it will be a fun piece. Bias binding isn't bad at all, though. It just curves right around those parts.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hello Michelle . So glad to "see" you and hear your latest news.

    I really like that spiral - it looks complicated to do though but gorgeously effective. Go on give that curved binding a go. Ive seen you do NY Beauty blocks - you can do anything!

    1. Actually, it is surprisingly quick and easy. If turn it as opposed to binding it, I'm betting the entire project would take about 48 hours. (Not including the week it takes to choose fabrics!)

  5. Hello Michelle, it's been so long, glad to see you back again. That looks amazing. I'm not sure if I'd cope with doing the binding either.

  6. Hey Michelle,
    I just replied to your comment on my blog. I didn't realize it was you until I came to visit the blog. Nice to have you back. Hope you get to do lots more quilting now. Have a Merry Christmas.


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