U-Haul and a Cursed Day
In order to prevent further disruption to the children's lives and make it easier for the adults to move this last load with less distraction, it was decided I would stay with the children while my Eric and Lori made the trip back to Texas. My job was easy and delightful. Their's not so much.
We reserved the U-Haul for Saturday morning, to be picked up in Texas. My cousins left Friday afternoon, in order to get an early start the next day. However, when they arrived at the Van Alstyne location to which they'd been directed, they found the U-Haul store closed. When the proprietor finally showed up, and they see the 14' truck we'd reserved, my cousins decided a bigger truck was in order, but the U-Haul store didn't have one available.
Next, a quick trip to Anna. The U-Haul store in Anna had a 20' truck. Perfect. My clone was initally so excited. The truck had only 10,000 miles on it and it was easy to drive. Joy! Until he spilled $20 worth of gas on the ground because of a hole in the gas tank. The only saving grace there was that he'd decided to fill it up BEFORE he loaded it. It makes me ill to think if he'd waited until after it was loaded like we did the previous weekend.
A trip to McKinney Texas to yet another U-Haul Store. My cousins ended up with a 26' truck at the cost of $210. U-Haul rented it to them for the price of the small truck we'd originally reserved minus $100 and reimbursement for the gas.
Early morning start all shot to hell, they managed to get the truck loaded in the heat of the day due to help from awesome friends.
Eric and Lori paid them in beer |
Eric and Lori were finally able to head back to Kansas about 5:30PM. They'd planned to make it into Newton about midnight. But no, the moving gods were simply against them. A wildfire in Oklahoma had Interstate 35 shut down. They took a clue, rented the last, outrageously expensive hotel room available, and got some sleep.
I Can't Get Up.
We've loaded and unloaded two 26' U-Hauls of furniture and boxes in the last two weekends with little rest in between. My body is now officially pissed off and on strike. Everything hurts.
Because I'm too tired to get up and take a picture of our garage contents, I've borrowed this one so you can get the idea.
Yeah okay, our garage is not that big, but at this point the thought of unpacking it is just as daunting.
My Other Blog
Although I have many other things I should be doing ~ and will once I post this ~ it was nice to treat myself to some blog writing, both here and on LiveJournal. The title of my post on LiveJournal:
Sociology, INTJs and Online Dating. I warn you that unlike this blog, there is some graphic language in this post.