Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Gypsy Quilter

On my Monday Miscellaneous blog post, I asked for suggestions for re-naming my blog (again).  The ever talented Sarah from Confessions of a Fabric Addict, suggested The Gypsy Quilter.  Given my recent adventures in moving, and the conviction that my quilting is about to head in a different direction from my standard traditionalism, it seems appropriate.  Thank you so much for the awesome suggestion, Sarah.  My blog now wears the new title proudly.


  1. Good name, and good to hear from you, Michelle! :-}pokey

  2. I love the new name! It's perfect.

  3. Sarah picked a great name! Every time I see you've posted something new, though, I have to stop and think who The Gypsy Quilter is (lol). It will pass soon.

    Glad you're back.

    xo -El


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