Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Straggler

I am making this Maple Leaf table runner for my mom for Christmas.  Shush!  I'm well-aware of the fact that it's late ~ horribly late.

When my mom saw the table topper I made for my cousin, she had to have her own, but like, longer.  Hence the table-runner.
The great thing about leaving the table-runner for last, and then dawdling over it, is that it gave me time to concentrate on my free motion quilting. Most of the "dawdling" was planning the quilting.  The actual quilting I did over a two day period at 20-30 minute intervals.  

I did several motifs on the runner ~ pebbling, a wind inspired swirl on the leaves themselves, and a very simple try at echo-quilting on the background.  Overall, I'm quite pleased.
As with everything one practices, my free motion quilting is improving.  I'm more confident; more adventuresome.  That said, I'll admit that while I am getting better at regulating my stitch length compared to where I started, it could still use further improvement.
I'm just down to doing the binding.  Life is good!

I'm linking up with 15 Minutes with Kate and WIP Wednesday (for the first time ever).  Join the fun!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. your table runner is beautiful~!

    i'm a newbie too and i think it's going to be a very motivational challenge.


  2. Shazam! Michelle! Your quilting is SO beautiful! I love maple leaves and I love how you've quilted this runner. Absolutely fabulous!

    xo -E

  3. What a pretty runner! Your mom will be pleased - and your FMQ skills are coming along very nicely!!

  4. I can see why your Mom wanted it. It's beautiful! Great job on the quilting!

  5. Lovely quilting on the runner, Michelle! The swirlies are my favorite!

  6. Love your quilting!! That gives me inspiration to keep plugging away at free motion myself....consider it..not late just really, really early!!!!!

  7. You table runner is really beautiful. I am sure your mom will be absolutely thrilled. Great job on the quilting.

  8. Lovely table runner. I love the colours you used.
    Great work on the quilting. Your skill is improving well!

  9. That is just lovely, hon, you did a wonderful job on the quilting! And congrats to you on your book, it looks and sounds great - I wish you much success!

  10. Jesus is no one satisfied with what you come up with on your own? I saw your table runner and wanted something smaller - your mom saw your table runner and wanted something bigger! Your cousin is the only one who seems perfectly pleased with your arbitrary size selections and seeing that you made the original for her, thank God for that!

  11. Your table runner is lovely...great colour. FMQ is very tricky but i agree you just have to stick with it and practice

  12. Oooo! I can hardly wait! The maple leaves are all my favorite colors and your quilting is absolutely beautiful. Next post you should show the back.

  13. I love the way you are fmq-ing your beautiful table runner. I'm sure your mum will love it whenever it's finished:)

  14. Lovely quilting!! I can only hope to be as talented one day!

  15. This is lovely. Great job on the quilting. I wish I quilted that well.

  16. I need to start learning how to do free motion also. I know I am normally just a hand quilter but there are so many quilts to make that I need to push myself to learn how to machine quilt some of them.


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